"MIXTAPE" is composed of the two words "MIX" and “TAPE”. A MIXTAPE is actually a mix of various songs on the same cassette tape. People would specially pick songs by preference or their own moods and give it to friends or loved ones to share musical taste and even deliver a hidden messages.
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With the belief of "Sharing Music is a Beautiful Connection", FINDME team aims to build up the community of music & cassette lovers by releasing MIXTAPE projects. We love to explore music and we love to share our musical taste because we want to be connected.We share and we push the independent music and cassette culture forward.
DUNNO DO WHAT》是 FINDME RECORDS 第 4 個發行的 Mixtape 合輯,由 9 個風格不一的本地音樂單位拼湊而成,包括:DESSY、eli (everlasting illusion)、K.mind、LilCodyIsDead!、Lili Forest、MEØWMEØW、NODI & THM、thehayscode 及 Z。