Discover the music taste of FINDME's team. Explore the diverse musical preferences of FINDME's dedicated team.


    EMO 不是罪,深夜在床上發呆,享受一個人嘅時間,由得個腦不斷諗野,諗完啲唔開心嘅野野,個人就會變好(好似係⋯⋯)  

  • WePlay! - Mixtape #FRM002

    #FMR002 // A mixtape project by FINDME RECORDS and 9588HK.  A perfect vibe for party, reunion and have fun.  

  • 🌿🌈🌸 Soma Holiday: LSD Trip // Chill🌿🌈🌸

    🌿 Soma is a recreational drug in Brave New World that the government encourages everyone to take soma as a way to increase the happiness and complacency of the population. 🌿  // Let's take a SOMO HOLIDAY, shall we? // 🌈🌸🌿  

  • Unsensored - Mixtape #FRM003

    #FMR003 // A mixtape project by FINDME RECORDS.  An experience to find your true self.